Certified by independent institutes

Sustainable certifications

HEADER Zertifizierungen

ISCC PLUS certification

ISCC PLUS is one of the leading sustainability certification systems for biobased and recycled materials in the chemical industry (e.g. based on sugar cane, vegetable oil and fat waste or recyclate). By using sustainable material flows, BIO-FED contributes to saving fossil resources and promoting the Bioeconomy and Circular Economy.

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Certification of degradability

No product is made to last forever. There are various end-of-life scenarios for products made from bioplastics. One of these is biodegradability in different environments, such as in an industrial composting plant, in domestic compost, in the soil or in water.

Independent test institutes measure the biodegradability and/or the biobased content on behalf of the customer and confirm this by awarding a test mark. This ensures market transparency and provides guidance for customers and consumers. In Europe, TÜV AUSTRIA (Belgium) and DIN CERTCO (Germany) are the most important certification institutes. In North America, it is the BPI institute.

Which criteria must be met?


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