Thousands of possibilities

Applications and processing

Get an impression of which applications you can produce from our sustainable compounds and which processing techniques they are suitable for.


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Unlimited variety!

Consumer goods

You can use our compounds to produce a wide variety of applications for the consumer goods sector, such as cosmetics packaging, mobile phone cases, toys, pens, toothbrushes, cutlery, straws, tableware and much more.

Our compounds

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Always on the move!


Our compounds are also suitable for applications in the automotive industry, such as interior fittings or technical components. Discover the versatile application possibilities of our plastics for modern vehicle solutions!

Our compounds

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Lots of variety!

Coffee capsules

Coffee capsules in a wide variety of shapes and suitable for a wide range of capsule systems can be produced from our compounds. We offer materials for processing in injection moulding and extrusion. You can also obtain suitable colour masterbatches directly from us.

Our compounds

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The right choice!

Film applications

We have the right compounds not only for fruit and vegetable bags, but also for shopping bags and other film applications – perfectly tailored to your needs.

Our blown film compounds

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In tune with nature!

Developed for mulch films

We offer biodegradable M·VERA® materials especially for the production of mulch films. Our range also includes a black masterbatch specially developed for mulch films.

Our mulch film compounds
Environmentally friendly protection!

Food packaging

We offer a large selection of sustainable plastic compounds for the packaging sector. Our materials are optimised for various processing technologies and offer a wide range of properties to meet individual requirements.


Processing technologies

Which technology do you use?

Our compounds are suitable for...

Injection moulding

What property are you looking for?

Our compounds



Our M·VERA® compounds are biodegradable.



Biomass-balanced or biobased

Our M·BIOBASE® compounds are biomass-balanced or biobased.



With recycled content

Our new M·CYCLOSE® compounds contain a proportion of recyclate.


Contact us

Advantages of sustainable solutions

Would you like to find out more about our innovative plastic compounds? Talk to our experts!

Get in touch with us